Why Trading Is Always Loss-Making In Stock Market And Investment Is Profitable?


Please go through the below article to understand the difference between STOCK TRADING AND INVESTING,

Please also go through the below article to understand the different type of ‘investing’ based on duration such as ‘what is long-term investment?’ , ‘what is medium-term investment?’, ‘what is short-term investment?’

Now below we discuss why investment is always rewarding and speculative trading is always bad,
    : No one has ever become wealthy or millionaire by doing stock trading (some exceptional cases barred- but they again most out of them couldn’t sustain their wealth consistency from trading). While we have a lot of examples like the great Warren Buffett who has become a living legend and god-like in investment arena. On the top of that he has been consistently the world’s no.2 richest person solely because of investing wealth, beating the competition in money-making from all fields such as business-men and so on. By the way traders do not come anywhere near. There are hundreds of other ‘investment’ success stories and many of them which became legends like Peter Lynch, John Templeton, Bill Gross, John Bogle and many more. In India even people not frequent with stock investing are aware of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, a commoner who became India’s biggest individual investor all by himself. There are many other names like Ramdeo Agarwal, Motilal Oswal, Parag Parikh, Madhu Kela, Samir Arora, Madhu Kela, Mr. Ramani and many more who have engrossed their names in successful investing in India. We do not know of any such success stories in stock trading. The epitome is that traders just can’t become wealthy as much as investors and in as many numbers as there are in competition with trading. Suppose 10 out of 10 lakh traders are able to earn consistently (Rakesh Jhunjhunwala once said so), then in comparison so many lakh of investors definitely become 100-1000 times more wealthy.
          The point is there is no evidence suggesting so far, that trading is better rewarding in comparison with investing and to maximum persons. (Some of you will say that Jesse Livermore (died in 1940) made millions in trading. Yes, he was a master speculator, and very few like him were born in world and are right now. He made millions several times and lost all of them as well.  He almost became crazy in his last days, before he did suicide in a hotel room. Till date, he is regarded as the best genius in trading and speculation world and a legend. There are many names presently as well that are famous in trading and very successful, but very few and as I explain in subsequent points, they are highly skilled, smart and intelligent.)

  1. TRADING REQUIRES MORE EXPERTISE TO MAKE MONEY, INVESTING IS SIMPLER: High skills and knowledge of technique is necessary for ‘any’ genuine success in trading. From complex charting tools to behavioural analysis; there is almost no end to the parameters and criterion that a trader can follow-almost end number of (mostly complex) theories, trading techniques/systems/softwares and so on , still there is almost zero consensus about anyone robust and full proof technique for trading. While there are very few approaches of investing and each are considerably successful with huge following at the same time there is almost complete consensus about some approaches and basic tenets and principles of investing. Anyone can invest even without much experience and training or knowledge by following those simple principles (however it do demands time-but trading demands several times more time).
  2. TRADING REQUIRES MORE TIME, IN FACT A LOTS OF IT THAN INVESTING: In trading you have to devote a lot lot of time to study and observe as well as take decisions and implement them. It almost becomes your full time business. While investing as we know now, is simple, so it requires only occasional check up or monitoring of your portfolio (list of stocks), ideally quarterly or yearly. In trading you are on the tenterhooks all the time as you are holding some or the other position and you have to monitor a lot of things including world markets which are correlated with it, while in investing you are not bothered about such things. You simply make your decision, invest and relax. This is always the steps. Thats it. That is investing. The fact is that it takes so many years and an above average sharp intellectual and speculative and risk taking skills and temperament (all of which are not common- and even lesser common to be in one person)  to learn in trading while investing is not so demanding. It requires more common sense than uncommon smartness while it gives you a lot of room for learning without getting wiped out. You become an investor instantly, and you can become a successful investor once you know it. It is never like that in trading.
  3. TRADING IS STRESSFUL AND INVESTING IS NOT: As you saw in trading you need a lot of knowledge, there is confusion about selection of parameters of entering and exiting any trading position. There is an inherent requirement for urgency in actions. It demands a lot of time and observation across markets across asset class and geographies which may make you awake at night because you have to check out some news in the USA or some development in Europe and also because you just won’t get the sleep because you have a large position which depending on tomorrow’s market can give you profit or losses. All this invariable brings stress to majority of people.
  4. You can lose everything or a lot of money in trading, especially when you are new and do not follow loss cutting technique, in trading. Some times you lost all because you are consistently wrong and you must keep booking losses to exit your positions so that your any one position doesn't give you hell. But in investing even worst performing stock rebound over time and gives you profit or sometime, the worst performing stocks give the best return. There are exceptional cases of wealth wiping out when you have hard luck and you have obviously made mistake in investing approach. Apart from that long term investing is and has always been rewarding and likely to remain so. You are not under any pressure to book your losses, you buy some stock and hold to it. If you have followed the basic principle of investment selection, you will earn out of it 99 times out of 100. Definitely.
Apart from this, you can search (we will try to come out with detailed article on that) how all the big names in trading (trading coach, authors, successful traders etc. like Mark Douglas, Jack Schwager author of famous market wizard book series and so on) agree unanimously that trading is extremely difficult to succeed for a layman and the proven fact, again all of them agree that less than 5% of them earn money that too after long hard work of many years! Are you sure, you want to take that chances to be in this less than 5% genius lucky group? And what is the probability of you succeeding in that? For those who want to take up all the toil and moil and pursuade trading as a career and devote long years behind and and FULL TIME all day, and accept the failure or success whatever you get, then good luck; but for the rest of you THE FACTS ARE JUST VERY CLEAR.

In a nutshell, for you and me, for the masses and for everyone INVESTING IS ALWAYS DESIRABLE AND TRADING IS ALWAYS AVOIDABLE.